Saturday, September 29, 2018

Leaving in Italy

I am living in Italy now and I have started a new blog in Italian, that is the reason why I am not writing on this blog.
But I realize I miss writing my English cooking blog so I have decided to start sharing my recepes in English again.
I went through the blog and I noticed that some of my traditional recepes, like the Bolognese sauce or my chilli with meat, are missing.
I will fill in this gap soon.
Stay tuned!

Saturday, January 28, 2017


As you know I moved back to Italy last year and I live in Verona now.
Radicchio is a kind of red, bitter lettuce very popular in this area,
so I have started using it in my diet.

Radicchio is full of minerals, vitamins, aminoacids, has depurative
and digestive properties.
I want to share with you an interesting salad found on my favorite
cooking magazine "Sale e Pepe"; it is easy to make and very tasty.


2 pieces of radicchio trevisano
1 red onion
5 pieces of dry apricots or figues
50 gr of hazelnuts
1 orange
1 TBS apple cider vinegar
1 tsp honey
extra virgin olive oil

Cut into stripes the apricots and soak them in the orange juice for 1 hour.

Slice the radicchio and rinse it.

Cook the sliced onion in 2 TBS of oil for 5 minutes or until soft.
Add a pinch of salt.

Prepare a vinegraitte mixing together 4 TBS of oil with 2 TBS of vinegar,
1 tsp of honey and a pinch of salt.

Drain the apricots/figues.

Toast the hazelnuts in a pan for few minutes.

In a large dish mix together all the ingredients and toss in the vinegraitte
and 1 TBS of orange juice.

Serve with toasted bread.