Saturday, June 23, 2012


When I was young, during summer, my mother would prepare a simple,
tasty dish with fresh green beans, tomatoes and potatoes.
The other day I decided to bring back to reality that old memory and
I prepared it myself in her honour!
Although a very basic soup its taste is very rich.
I'm sharing the recipe with you and hope you'll try it once!


1 pound (500 g) fresh green beans
3 potatoes
2/3 tomatoes (sammarzano or small salad ones)
1 clove of garlic
1 wig of fresh origanum
3 leaves of basil
olive oil
water and salt

Clean the green beans eliminating the edges and cutting them in halves.
Peel potatoes and cube them.
Slice tomatoes eliminating seeds.
Put 2/3 tablespoons olive oil in a pot with garlic and warm it up.
Add tomatoes and let them soften, after few minutes stir in green beans
and potatoes. Let them cook for few minutes.
Add enough water to cover vegetables, 1 tsb of coarse salt, wig of
origanum and bring to boil.
Cook for 30 minutes at medium heat.
When potatoes and beans are very soft adjust salt, add chopped basil
leaves and remove from stove.
Serve it at room temperature.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Would you like a LEMONADE?????

My summer is full of LEMONS....they are so refreshing!!!!
Lemons are antibacterial, antiviral, and boost the immune-system!
They help in weight loss because lemon juice is a digestive aid and
liver cleanser.
Lemons contain many substances, like citric acid, calcium, magnesium,
vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene, that promote immunity
and fight infection.
So let's have a nice home-made LEMONADE:

6 organic lemons
2 TBS agave
800 ml filtred water

Squeeze lemons and put juice in a pitcher, add agave and water and stir well.
Serve it with a slice of lemon and a mint leaf.

How easy is this?!!!????