Monday, January 27, 2014

Pear and almond tart

I love pears!!!
They are the easiest fruit to digest. They are antiallergenic,
contain Vit C,E, B2, copper, potassium,and are rich in fiber.
In winter is definetly my favourite fruit.
Among all the different types of pears, I prefere the Bartlett with its creamy,
sweet and aromatic flesh.
I use them in salads and desserts.
Today I share with you a easy-to-make tart that is delicious!


Ingredients for 4 people:
200 g ready-made puff pastry (I usually keep one always in the freezer)

2TS melted butter
3/4 cup castor sugar
100 g ground almond (almond flour or almond meal)
1tsp vanilla essence
1/2 cup cake flour
2 eggs
2/3 pears

Preheat oven at 400F (or 200 C).
Peel and slice pears. Sprinkle them with lemon juice and set them aside.
Unroll the pastry onto a greased baking tray and prick the base with a fork.
Mark a 1+half inch (or 4 cm) border around the edges so that it can raise and
form a border.

In a bowl mix together, eggs, sugar, butter vanilla, flour and almond.
Process untill smooth and spred it over the tart base.
Press the pear slices onto the mixture and bake for 30 minutes or untill pastry is puffy and golden.

Serve it with melted dark chocolate and enjoy it!!

Monday, January 13, 2014

A relaxed Sunday!

I'm back after a looooong time!
I needed to take some time out! Doesn't it happen to you too???

Today I decided to prepare a meal that takes me straight back in the
arms of my mom!!!


I woke up and I started preparing a simple, slow cooked tomato sauce,
so to fill the air with the delicious smell I would wake up with
every Sunday when I was young.
After that I prepared some fresh tagliatelle.

Here are the recepes for you!



1 big can of peeled tomatoes (750g)(smash tomatoes in blender)
1 can of tomatoe sauce (250 g)
1 peeled whole onion
3 whole celery sticks
2 peeled whole carrots
1 peeled clove of garlic
1 tsp origanum
4 Tbsp of extra virgin olive oil

Put all ingredients in a pot and cook slowly for 1 hour.
Adjust salt and remove vegetables.

If in season, add basil to give extra flavour!!

You can use it to dress pasta, tagliatelle, gnocchi, polenta.
You can also use it to cook eggs topped with a fine slice of mozzarella!


400 g/3cups FLOUR
1tsp salt

Place a wide wooden board on the kitchen counter.

Mound the flour on the wooden surface and make a deep well in the center with your hands.

Crack the eggs into the well and add salt.
Mix the eggs with a fork and then start incorporating the flour from the side of the well.

When the egg mixture is no longer liquid start using your hands to incorporate the rest of the flour and to start kneading the dough.

Scrap up any dough that sticks to the wooden surface with a knife and keep kneading
for about 5 minutes, till the dough becomes smooth and elastic.

Cover dough with a ceramic bowl and let it rest.

Meanwhile prepare the pasta machine.

Knead dough again and cut it in small pieces.

Roll each piece in the machine starting with the widest setting, ending with the finest one.

Sprinkle the pasta stripes with flour and cut them in the tagliatelle side of the machine.

Toss the tagliatelle on a floured wooden board to dry.