This morning I harvested the last leaves of my basil plant on the terrace.
The chilly nights are here so the basil won't survive for longer unless I
put the plant indoor.
I collected the best leaves and left the long stems with flowers to get
seads for next year.
Basil is full of antioxidants, vitamin A, K, C and manganese.
Pine kernels are rich of vitamin A,C,D,E,K and magnesium, manganese and antioxidants.
Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, helping lower your risk of
heart disease, and it contains important vitamins and antioxidants.
This said we may conclude that Pesto is a bomb of health.
I made a nice pesto that I will use for my pasta at lunch time.
Put in a blender 2 cups of basil leaves and chop them.
Add 1 cup of pine kernels and blend them with the basil.
Add a pinch of salt and half cup of parmesan cheese.
Blend again then add 1 cup of good extra virgin olive oil.
Mix well to obtain a creamy sauce.
You can use Pesto as a spread on toasted whole wheat bread or
to toss on pasta with half cup of the pasta cooking water.
Buon appetito!