Saturday, July 7, 2012


The first time I had mahi mahi fish was in Costa Rica.
It's a very nice fish with a firm chair that reminds me of cod.
I have started using it in my kitchen in NY because it's easy to find
it coming from Hawaii or the Carabbeans.

I have experimented this very tasty recipe that reminds me
of my mediterranean sea.


4 pieces of mahi mahi fish
2 cups of cherry tomatoes
1 onion finelly chopped
1 clove of garlic
1 or 2 TBS of fresh chopped origanum and basil
olive oil
1 TBS basil pesto dissolved in half glass of water
salt and pepper

In a frying pan cook sliced onion in oil for 5 minutes, then add halved tomatoes and fresh herbs and cook till tomatoes soften. Adjust salt and pepper and put tomatoes aside in a dish.

Dry fish and dip it in flour.
Add some more oil and garlic and warm up a bit.
Add fish pieces in pan and cook on both sides till golden.
Add salt and pesto. After few minutes add tomatoes and mix well.

It is a perfect dish for summer as fish is a cooling food!

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