Saturday, January 19, 2013

Apple and raisin "frittelle"

My friend Mara asked if I could make her favourite Mardi Gras "frittelle",
so here you are with another fun recipe to celebrate "Carnevale".

Apple and raisin "frittelle"

2 eggs
1 glass milk
2 TBS sugar
350 g flour
1tsp baking powder
1 golden apple
100 g raisin
Half lemon

In a bowl mix flour with sugar, baking powder and salt.
Dice apple and cover with half lemon juice and add half lemon peel grated.
Soak raisin in water.
In another bowl beat eggs with milk, then add flour mixture little by little alternating with raisin and apple.
Fill in a frying pan with lots of vegetable oil (peanut or corn oil) and
warm it up.
When oil is warm fry small dollops of dough till they are golden on both sides
(use a small teaspoon to take dough and another one to help remove it
into the oil).
Transfer them on paper towel to absorb excess oil.
Dip them, one by one, in a bowl of sugar so they get well covered.

Serve them with a nice cup of tea!

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