Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Colorful crudités with red and white sauces

During the day we have some moments when we need a break!
We usually go straight to the fridge or the pantry, and we fall in temptation.
If this is not true for you, it is true for me!
I share with you a nice trick that avoids the uncomfortable feeling of guilt
that follows munching on empty calories.
Peel and cut in sticks different vegetables , put them in an airtight container
and keep them handy for the snack time attack!
Don't forget to buy also few healthy sauces, like hummus, pesto or tapenade
to stack your fridge with healthy nutrients.
I personally prefer to prepare my own sauces and my favorites are:
the white tuna sauce and the red pepper sauce.
I am going to add also the green arugola pesto recipe to complete the Italian flag.
To munch on vegetables and tasty sauce is fun, satisfying and guilt-free.


2 carrots
2 celery sticks
1 fennel
1 red pepper

Wash vegetables well and slice them to make sticks.
I prefer to buy organic vegetables.

Tuna sauce

1 can of tuna in olive oil
2 anchovies
1tsp cappers
4 green olives
2 TBS chopped parsley
1TBS mayonese

Put all the ingredients in a food processor and blend them into a creamy sauce.
If necessary add 1 or 2 spoons of water.

Pepper sauce

1 jar of roasted red peppers
2 anchovies
half cup walnuts
2 TBS chopped parsley
1 garlic clove

Put all the ingredients in a food processor and blend them into a creamy sauce.
If it is too liquid add a bit of bread crumps.

Arugola pesto

2 cups of arugola
1 cup of cherry tomatoes (optional)
1 cup pinenuts or walnuts
1 clove of garlic (optional)
half tsp salt
2 TBS grated parmesan (optional)
2TBS olive oil

Rinse the arugola and tomatoes.
Put all the ingredients in a food processor and blend them into a creamy sauce.
If necessary add 1 or 2 spoons of water.

1 comment:

  1. love this and your blog site... Thank you... I just need to figure out how to utilize it all now!! lol
