Wednesday, December 9, 2015

TACCONELLE E FAGIOLI, a traditional pasta dish

I can't believe that I have never published on my blog my favorite
pasta dish coming from the culinary tradition of my region.
I love this easy home made pasta blended with tasty beans
and tomato sauce.
I suggest that you prepare it during the dark and cold days
of late autumn and winter to warm up your spirit.
Of course it goes very well with a nice glass of red wine
(a good quality Chianti would to it).


Ingredients for the beans sauce:

400g of Borlotti or Kidney beans
(you are allowed to use canned organic beans, but I prefer to cook them myself)
400g tomato puree
( any Italian canned tomato sauce is fine, but I prefer the De Cecco one)
2 TBS olive oil
1 onion
100g thinly sliced bacon chopped(opcional)
salt and chilli powder or chilli oil

In a hot frying pan cook the bacon for few minutes, then add olive oil and chopped onion.
Cook onion till translucent then add tomato puree.
Cover with a lid and cook for 15 minutes, then add beans with their cooking water.
Let it cook for other 15 minutes, then adjust salt and sprinkle with a pinch of chilli powder.

Ingredients for the pasta:

200g flour
100g semolina or durum flour
1 egg white
half glass of water or less

Make a fountain with flours on a wooden board, add in the centre
the egg white and a bit of water and start mixing with the flours.
And enough water to get a soft but firm dough.

When done form a ball and let it rest under a ceramic bowl for 5 minutes.
Flatten the dough with your hands first and then make it very thin
with a rolling pin.
With a knife cut 2 cm stripes and then cut them again in small squares.

Bring water to boil in a big pot, add coarse salt and cook the pasta
for 5 minutes.
Drain it and add to the beans. Mix well and let it rest for few minutes.

Add a handfull of grated parmesan and serve.

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