Tuesday, April 5, 2016


On Sunday it was a beautiful day for a walk in the wild.
Me and my family got our sneakers on and went for a nice walk
along the path that, from our new house, takes to a small forest.
This spring day was ideal to look for some wild asparagus, a fun
activity that reminds me of when I was young.
We found some thin asparagus, but still enough to make a nice omelette.
Wild asparagus are very good for you, they are a nutrient-packed source
of vitamins, minerals and essential proteins.
Asparagus are rich in vitamin A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin),
B5 (pantothenic acid), B-6, folate, C, E (alpha-tocopherol), and K (phylloquinone).
The mineral treasures that are stored in asparagus include iron, calcium,
phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, zinc, selenium, and potassium.

Lets cook them!

A bunch of fresh wild asparagus
half onion
6 eggs
1 cup mozzarella (optional)
extra virgin olive oil

Take off the hard part of each asparagus and cut them in small sticks.
Put them in a frying pan, cover with water and let it boil
until it evaporates.
Meanwhile beat eggs in a bowl with salt and pepper.
Cube mozzarella.
Add asparagus and mozzarella to the egg mixture and
mix well.
Cover the bottom of the frying pan with olive oil and
add the thinly sliced onion.
Once the onion is translucent, add egg mixture.
Cover with a lid and let it cook for 5 minutes at low heat.
Holding the lid tight on the pan with one hand turn the pan upside down
in order to turn around the omelette
(do this operation on the sink so if some egg mixture spills
it is not a problem).
Let the omelette cook for few minutes more, until it becomes golden brown.

Serve it with a mixed herbs salad and a crunchy baguette.

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