Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mini chocolate souffles

In a rainy day
in a day when we desperatly wait for Spring to come
in a day when joy is hiding behind the clouds.....
I treat myself with a decadent chocolate souffle!

Ingredients for 2 people
(you need to share in a moment like this, so find a gourmand friend)

Start with warming up oven up to 450F (or 250 C)
Butter and flour two ceramic ramekins.
Melt 4 TBS (or 60 g) of BUTTER, cool down.
Mix together 2 (organic, free-range) EGGS with
2 TBS white SUGAR till creamy.
Add butter to mixture.
Melt half bar of dark chocolate (60g)
(make sure it's a good one, Lindt for example or any Fair-trade one),
cool down and add to egg mixture with 1 TBS of cake flour.
Pour chocolate cream in ramekins and bake for 10 minutes
(make sure it's only for 10 minutes so to keep center moist).
Open oven and after 30 seconds take out ramekins and
with the help of a knife "de-ramekin" gently.

Serve them warm with a berry sauce or with sour cream!

You will see that after eating it the sun will come out!

(I have borrowed this recipe from my dear friend Ingrid....
...thank you my dear!)

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