Wednesday, March 26, 2014


When I was living in South Africa I discovered the Rusks, hard, dry biscuits
very similar to our Italian biscotti.
They are a very healthy choice for tea time or for breakfast because
they are packed with fibre.
Try them!


Ingredients for around 30 pieces:

1 cup and a half of whole wheat cereals
half cup bran
half cup oat flakes
2 TBS shredded dry coconut
500g flour
half cup sunflower seeds
1 tsp salt
1tsp and a half baking powder
half cup dry cranberries

250 ml buttermilk
150 g melted butter
150 g brown sugar
1 TBS oil
1 egg

Mix dry ingredients together then add all wet ingredients and stir well.

Transfer mixture in an oiled baking tin (30 cm)and level it with a spatula.
Bake at 350F or 150C for one hour.
Take the big biscuit out of tin and cut it in rectangular pieces
(8/10cm long and 4cm wide).
Place pieces on a large baking tray and let them dry in the oven at 300F
or 100C for 30/45 minutes until golden.

Once cold, you can store them in a tin box for weeks.

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